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Student Organizations and Activities


The Student Government Association (SGA)

Hodson Hall, ext. 8742 (8SGA)

成立于1919年,学生政府协会(SGA)包括所有现有的 Washington College students as members. The student-run SGA participates in campus administrative, academic, and social affairs. There are three main branches of the SGA:行政部门,立法部门和司法部门.

行政部门由三名当选成员(总统、副总统)组成 和参议院议长)和九名指定成员(财务总监、秘书) 学术、学生服务及校园物业、社会生活、学生生活、环境、 服务和社区关系,多样性,以及,通信和主任 Office Management). 行政部门的所有成员,参议院议长, 荣誉委员会主席,议员,以及SGA的教职员工 顾问们定期在执行局会议上开会. All work to represent students 在日常事务中,每个执行局成员都有固定的办公时间 in the SGA Office.

学院的立法部门,通常被称为参议院,包括 选出的学生宿舍参议员、班级主席和参议院议长. 参议院是学生团体的代言人,从它对SGA平台的控制中就可以看出这一点 and other legislative affairs.

The Honor Board serves as the Judicial Branch. The Honor Board Chair and the student 荣誉委员会成员都是由SGA选出的,并与指定的教师一起工作 和工作人员推广和执行九州娱乐官网荣誉守则.

为促进权力制衡和确保公平的任命做法, the SGA uses a Review Board. 该委员会由无投票权的议员担任主席, 由总统、财务总监、参议院议长和荣誉委员会组成 Board Chair.  社联的章程及章程可于以下网址查阅:


Office of the Student Government Association

Hours: Published each semester.

The SGA offers the following services:

  • 扶轮社的认可、经费、申请的处理及扶轮社的详细资料(章程)、 histories, officers);
  • Posting of student leadership information and opportunities; referrals to Student Affairs and other campus services; referrals to off-campus services;
  • 发布和分发SGA和非SGA赞助的活动/事件;
  • Academic resource information/opportunities;
  • 复印认可的学生组织,包括四个班级;
  • Advocacy for student concerns and issues;
  • Student event programming;
  • 表彰杰出的大四学生为建设更好的大学社区所做的努力.

SGA办公室同时也是学生会的办公区和会议室 协会,供SGA执行委员会、班级官员、参议院委员会、 以及经学生会主席批准的其他组织和团体 Association.

SGA Executive Officers and Staff

Kat DeSantis, President
Alex May, Vice President
Nicole Chimezie, Financial Controller
Mason Drummey, Honor Board Chair
Natalie Wisnoski, Parliamentarian
Josh Gastineau, Speaker of the Senate
Kyle Rufo, Secretary of Academics
Nailah Gowon, Secretary of Diversity and Inclusion
Alexa Venturato, Secretary of the Environment
Maegan White, Secretary of Service and Community Relations Liz Hay, Director of Communications and Marketing
Kamden Richardson, Secretary of Student Life
Antoine Jordan, SGA Staff Advisor
Martin Ponti, SGA Faculty Advisor

Students serve on the following College committees:

  • Academic Resources and Services
  • Academic Standing and Advising
  • Academic Technology
  • Admissions and Financial Aid
  • Campus Events and Visitors
  • Curriculum
  • Diversity
  • Honor Board - nine student members
  • Off-Campus Study - three students; where possible, seniors personally experienced in off- campus study
  • Planning
  • Honor Board - nine student members
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
  • International Education
  • 人体研究审查委员会-至少一到两名高年级学生 主修社会科学或自然科学的人.
  • Student Life


  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Honors and Awards
  • Student Affairs
Student Clubs

在每学期开始时,学生会协会都会发布 所有sga认可的校园社团的名单.

Credit-Bearing Performance Groups (1 credit)

Washington College Chorus (MUS 283, 10)

Washington College Symphonic Band (MUS 277, 10)

Washington College String Orchestra (MUS 291, 10)

Washington College Jazz Ensemble (MUS 281, 10)

Washington College Jazz Combo (MUS 475, 10)

Chamber Ensembles (MUS 487, various sections)

非洲-古巴歌曲(MUS 289, 10)和非洲-古巴鼓(MUS 289, 11)

Early Music Consort (MUS 285, 10)

Indian Music Ensemble (MUS 294, 11)

Japanese Music Ensemble (MUS 279, 10, 11 and 12)

Pan Pipe Ensemble (MUS 266, 10)

钢盘合奏“钢铁革命”(MUS 278,10)

Student Publications

The Elm

The Editor-in-Chief can be contacted at: [email protected].

The Elm is the official campus newspaper, published weekly.

 The Collegian

The Editor-in-chief can be contacted at: [email protected]

The Collegian 是一本创意写作杂志,出版诗歌、小说、创意非小说类作品, and art several times each semester.

 Washington College Review

The Washington College Review 一个发表本科生写作和 graphic art from all disciplines of the College.  Find us online at


The Project Manager can be contacted at: [email protected].

大学年鉴是一年中活动和事件的数字记录.  In 每年秋天,出版委员会都会发出申请和招聘的通知 paid student interns to edit the yearbook.

Fraternities and Sororities

Antoine Jordan, Director of Student Engagement, Ext. 7146

九州娱乐官网的兄弟会和姐妹会通过各种活动建立社区 以学术、社会生活、服务和领导为中心. Under the guidance 学生参与主任,兄弟会和泛希腊理事会 are responsible for fraternity and sorority 事务,包括促进社区关系和招募所有人 chapters on campus. 九州娱乐官网承认四个国家兄弟会和三个 national sororities:

Panhellenic Council (Panhel)

Faith Waaraama '22 President


Alpha Chi Omega, Beta Pi Chapter

Madison Nutter '22, President


Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Tau Chapter

Jelisaveta "Elli" Janicijevic '22, President


Zeta Tau Alpha, Gamma Beta Chapter

Sarah Kelly '22, President


Interfraternal Council (IFC)

Nathaniel Beittel '23, President



Kappa Sigma, Omicron Phi Chapter

Leonard Brogan '22, President


Phi Delta Theta, Gamma Chapter

Jastin Garcia-Mendoza '23, President


Theta Chi, Beta Eta Chapter

Robert Bowell '22, President

为了参加希腊生活的招聘,学生必须是全日制学生 在九州娱乐官网学习一个学期并达到最低学术标准的学生 正如博爱和泛希腊理事会以及个人所规定的那样 fraternity or sorority.